Experience the magic of language immersion for yourself! Sign Up for a free demo of our children’s Spanish class!

You’ve read about the importance of immersion for effective language learning. But don’t take our word for it!

Come to any of our locations in Dix Hills, Garden City or Manhasset to experience the SiW program for yourself.

Just fill out the form or call us at 516-935-0699 and we’ll get you scheduled for a free demo class.

    Your First Name*

    Your Last Name*

    Your Email*

    Your Phone Number*

    Child's Name*

    Child's Birth Date*

    Second Child's Name

    Second Child's Birth Date

    Which Location Would You Prefer?*

    If you chose 'Virtual Programs' above, what is your time zone?

    How did you hear about SiW?*

    Anything Else to Add?