Safety protocols we follow in all of our locations:
- Face coverings: (This is a rapidly changing issue and we will keep you updated of any changes.) Current status: As per the NYS Governor’s Office and Department of Health, masks are no longer required in schools. At this time the choice to wear a mask or not is up to the individual, this includes teachers, students and parents. Please respect the choices of others.
- Reduced class sizes to allow for optimal social distancing.
- Wellness check upon arrival for students and teachers. Check temperature for students and teachers, sanitize hands. ** Please do not give your child any fever-reducing medication such as Tylenol, ibuprofen etc. before arriving as you will be putting other children and staff at risk.
- Drop off and pick up at the parking lot/main entrance door (depending on class, you will be advised which door will be used). Parents are not allowed in the building. Parents and families must wear face coverings when interacting with teachers.
- We will transfer the classroom to the outdoors as much as possible weather permitting. If it rains or it is too cold, we will be in the classrooms.
- HEPA filter air purifiers used in classrooms.
- Sanitizing of high touch areas will occur often and at regular times during the day.
- Children’s access to toys will be limited so we can sanitize them after each use.
- Healthy hygiene and frequent hand washing will be promoted.
- Any sign of child illness will require immediate removal from class and dismissal.
Arrival and Dismissal Guidelines:
- Children will not be allowed in the class before their scheduled time.
- If a family is already at the door, please stand a safe distance away (at least 6 feet) until it’s your turn to drop-off/pick-up.
- A visual inspection of the child will be done for signs of illness. This will include flushed cheeks, rapid breathing, difficulty breathing (without recent physical activity), fatigue, or extreme fussiness.
- Please always be prompt at the appointed dismissal times. Children become easily upset when their parent or caregiver is not there at dismissal. Arrival and dismissal is not the time to have long conversations with the teacher. Please contact the office 516-935-0699 if you need to speak with a teacher and we can arrange a phone conference.
- Chronic lateness will incur an additional $10 charge per 15 minutes.
- Kids will only be dismissed to parents, caregivers or authorized emergency contacts on their registration forms. A note from home/email is required for a child to be released to someone other than his or her regular caregiver.
A side note about our safety record: This past summer SiW offered its great Spanish Immersion Summer Camp in-person for 9 weeks and remained Covid free for the entire 9 weeks of camp! We are very proud of our teachers and the families of our campers for doing everything the right way, following the CDC and NY State protocols and guidelines.